Step 2: Filing Lawsuits

BC Law: The Electoral College Dilemma

The Electoral College Dilemma BC Law Nov 2, 2018 Calling the Electoral College one of the “least understood disasters at the core of our Constitution,” Harvard Professor Lawrence Lessig (above) launched a Rappaport Center for Law and Public Policy discussion convened...

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Commonwealth Magazine: Galvin, Zakim trade verbal punches

Galvin, Zakim Trade Verbal Punches Commonwealth Magazine Aug 15, 2018 There was no love lost between Secretary of State William Galvin and Boston City Councilor Josh Zakim who squared off in a tense half-hour television debate on Tuesday evening, trading verbal...

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Boston Herald: Electoral system disenfranchises voters

Electoral system disenfranchises voters Boston Herald Aug 10 The lawyer who argued Bush v. Gore before the U.S. Supreme Court after the contested 2000 presidential election appeared in federal court in Boston yesterday to challenge the way Massachusetts allocates its...

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Roll Call: Group Files Lawsuit to Challenge Electoral College

Group Files Lawsuit to Challenge Electoral College Roll Call Aug 10 A group is suing two red states and two blue states to change the Electoral College system. Former Massachusetts Gov. William Weld, Harvard Law professor Lawrence Lessig and David Boies, who served as...

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SalonTV: Is our election system unconstitutional?

Is our election system unconstitutional? SalonTV Mar 2, 2018 More Coverage On Step 2: Filing Lawsuits Tell your grandkids you helped save American democracy—join the grassroots effort to make our presidential elections more equal. We’ll keep you updated on our...

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U.S. News & World Report: A Quest to Make Every Vote Count

A Quest to Make Every Vote Count U.S. News & World Report Feb 28, 2018 IT'S A FACT THAT DRIVES liberals crazy, and has become a preoccupation for President Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton, the Democrats' choice, crushed Trump at the ballot box, winning the popular vote...

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MassLive: Electoral vote review is overdue (Editorial)

Electoral vote review is overdue (Editorial) Feb 22, 2018 Former Massachusetts governor William Weld has filed a lawsuit alleging the method of assigning electoral votes after a presidential election is unconstitutional. Legal experts say his suit has...

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Boston Herald: Bill Weld challenges Electoral College

Bill Weld challenges Electoral College Boston Herald Feb 22, 2018 Former Gov. Bill Weld is among a group of plaintiffs suing Gov. Charlie Baker and Secretary of State Bill Galvin alleging the Bay State’s winner-take-all system of assigning electoral votes in...

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ABC News 4 San Antonio: LULAC challenges Electoral College

LULAC challenges Electoral College ABC News 4 San Antonio Feb 21, 2018 Some local residents say their votes in the presidential election just don’t count anymore. So, they’re suing the state to change how it chooses its delegates for the Electoral College. League of...

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Step 1: Crowdfunding Campaign

Boston NPR: Is Our Electoral Process Broken?

Is Our Electoral Process Broken? Boston NPR Freak Out and Carry On Podcast Oct 26, 2017 This week on Freak Out And Carry On, recorded live in front of an audience at Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Ron Suskind and Heather Cox Richardson talk with...

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Is It Time To Reform The Electoral College?

Is It Time To Reform The Electoral College? WBGH Oct 10, 2017 More Coverage On Step 2: Filing Lawsuits Tell your grandkids you helped save American democracy—join the grassroots effort to make our presidential elections more equal. We’ll keep you updated on our...

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CommPRO: Election Reform: Attacking with Today’s Tools

Election Reform: Attacking with Today’s Tools CommPRO Sep 23, 2017 If you went out to vote for Donald Trump in California or Hillary Clinton in Texas last November, you might as well have stayed home. Your vote didn’t count. That’s the position of Harvard law...

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The Ring of Fire Radio: How to Reform the Electoral College

Episode 404: How to Reform the Electoral College The Ring of Fire Radio Sep 22, 2017 Harvard Professor, Lawrence Lessig, joins the show to discuss his lawsuit against the electoral college in an effort to make sure everyone’s vote is equal.. His segment starts at...

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SiriusXM: Lawrence Lessig Details Push to End Electoral College

Lawrence Lessig Details Push To End The Electoral College SiriusXM The Laura Coates Show Sep 2017 More Coverage On Step 1: Crowdfunding Campaign Tell your grandkids you helped save American democracy—join the grassroots effort to make our presidential elections more...

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Vocativ: A State-By-State Guide To How Much Your Vote Counts

A State-By-State Guide To How Much Your Vote Counts Vocativ Nov 15, 2016 ‘One person, one vote’ is one of the cornerstones of our democracy. But, as Tuesday’s election shows, that’s not quite how things work these days. Case in point: Hillary Clinton lost the election...

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Tell your grandkids you helped save American democracy—join the grassroots effort to make our presidential elections more equal. We’ll keep you updated on our progress.



Help build this team—tell friends you know are frustrated by the way we elect our president to join you in the fight to challenge the Electoral College.


Just like every vote, every donation counts in a grassroots movement like this.
Our success depends on Americans who believe in this work chipping in.


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