Is It Time To Reform The Electoral College?
WBGH Oct 10, 2017
San Antonio Express-News: San Antonio judge weighs legality of Electoral College process in choosing a president
San Antonio judge weighs legality of Electoral College process in choosing a president San Antonio Express-News Feb 13 2019 Lawyers for the state on Wednesday asked a federal judge to throw out a lawsuit challenging Texas’ Electoral College process as plaintiffs dug...
read moreAssociated Press: Judge rejects challenge to Massachusetts’ winner-take-all election system
Judge rejects challenge to Massachusetts’ winner-take-all election system Associated Press Dec 7, 2018 BOSTON (AP) — A federal judge on Friday dismissed a lawsuit challenging the winner-take-all system Massachusetts uses to assign its Electoral College presidential...
read moreBC Law: The Electoral College Dilemma
The Electoral College Dilemma BC Law Nov 2, 2018 Calling the Electoral College one of the “least understood disasters at the core of our Constitution,” Harvard Professor Lawrence Lessig (above) launched a Rappaport Center for Law and Public Policy discussion convened...
read moreWGBH: Why Our Undemocratic Republic Must Give Way To Something Else
Minority Rule: Why Our Undemocratic Republic Must Give Way To Something Else WGBH Oct 11, 2018 If something can’t go on forever, then it won’t. And so it is with the current state of our democracy, which awards disproportionate power to an ever-shrinking slice of the...
read moreDemocracy Café: Why Joaquin Gonzalez has joined the all-out effort to overhaul the Electoral College
Why Joaquin Gonzalez has joined the all-out effort to overhaul the Electoral College Democracy Café Sep 14, 2018 When Joaquin Gonzalez heard about the effort of Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig and other compatriots to challenge and prospectively overhaul the...
read moreJP Observer: Want a better president, better elections? States need to stop winner take all
Want a better president, better elections? States need to stop winner take all Questions: How can we increase the chances we get the president the majority of us vote for in 2020—unlike who we got in 2016 and 2000? And how can we also benefit from fairer election...
read moreCommonwealth Magazine: Galvin, Zakim trade verbal punches
Galvin, Zakim Trade Verbal Punches Commonwealth Magazine Aug 15, 2018 There was no love lost between Secretary of State William Galvin and Boston City Councilor Josh Zakim who squared off in a tense half-hour television debate on Tuesday evening, trading verbal...
read moreNBC Boston: High-Profile Attorneys Push for Change to Electoral College System
High-Profile Attorneys Push for Change to Electoral College System NBC Boston Aug 10 A group of attorneys is pushing for a change to the electoral college system. The group includes former Massachusetts Gov. William Weld, David Boies and Harvard law professor Lawrence...
read moreThe Blaze: Group sues four states to challenge winner-take-all system for Electoral College selection
Group sues four states to challenge winner-take-all system for Electoral College selection The Blaze Aug 13, 2018 A group is suing four U.S. states, claiming that the winner-take-all system for Electoral College selection disenfranchises voters and encourages...
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