Boies-Led Coalition Challenges “Winner-Take-All” Method of Electoral College

The Recorder Feb 22, 2018

The lawsuits—filed in two Democratic-leaning states and two traditionally Republican states—claim the winner-take-all system violates the constitutional rights to free association, political expression and equal protection.

A coalition of law firms led by Boies Schiller Flexner and the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) announced Wednesday they filed lawsuits in four states challenging the winner-take-all method used to allocate electors in presidential elections.

BC Law: The Electoral College Dilemma

The Electoral College Dilemma BC Law Nov 2, 2018 Calling the Electoral College one of the “least understood disasters at the core of our Constitution,” Harvard Professor Lawrence Lessig (above) launched a Rappaport Center for Law and Public Policy discussion convened...

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Commonwealth Magazine: Galvin, Zakim trade verbal punches

Galvin, Zakim Trade Verbal Punches Commonwealth Magazine Aug 15, 2018 There was no love lost between Secretary of State William Galvin and Boston City Councilor Josh Zakim who squared off in a tense half-hour television debate on Tuesday evening, trading verbal...

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