The Electoral College Reform Movement Made Great Strides This Month, But Is It Enough?

Adam Eichen @ Medium May 29, 2018

Last week, with little fanfare, Connecticut governor Dannel Malloy signed a bill that officially adds his state to the National Popular Vote Compact.

The compact, which only goes into effect when states totaling 270 electoral votes legally enter into it, allocates all participating states’ electoral votes to the presidential candidate that wins the national popular vote. In other words, all the states in the compact collectively agree to give their electoral votes to the country’s most popular candidate, regardless of the results in any individual state. The election will therefore be determined by national popular vote with no constitutional amendment required.

The compact had widespread public support in the state: with 92 percent of Democrats, 62 percent of Republicans and 76 percent of unaffiliated voters in support.

Lessig @ The Hill: Electoral College confusions

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Tell your grandkids you helped save American democracy—join the grassroots effort to make our presidential elections more equal. We’ll keep you updated on our progress.



Help build this team—tell friends you know are frustrated by the way we elect our president to join you in the fight to challenge the Electoral College.


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Our success depends on Americans who believe in this work chipping in.


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