Legal Update with Jason Harrow

May, 2018

C-SPAN: Lawrence Lessig on Legal Challenges to the Electoral College

Lawrence Lessig on Legal Challenges to the Electoral College Washington Journal Aug 17, 2018 View More Equal Votes Videos Tell your grandkids you helped save American democracy—join the grassroots effort to make our presidential elections more equal. We’ll...

SalonTV: Is our election system unconstitutional?

Is our election system unconstitutional? SalonTV Mar 2, 2018 More Coverage On Step 2: Filing Lawsuits Tell your grandkids you helped save American democracy—join the grassroots effort to make our presidential elections more equal. We’ll keep you updated on our...

C-SPAN: Unrig the System Summit, National Popular Vote

Unrig the System Summit, National Popular Vote C-SPAN Feb 2, 2018 In this portion of the inaugural Unrig the System Summit, panelists focused on presidential elections. Representatives from three groups advocating for a national popular vote talked about...

Is It Time To Reform The Electoral College?

Is It Time To Reform The Electoral College? WBGH Oct 10, 2017 More Coverage On Step 2: Filing Lawsuits Tell your grandkids you helped save American democracy—join the grassroots effort to make our presidential elections more equal. We’ll keep you updated on our...


Tell your grandkids you helped save American democracy—join the grassroots effort to make our presidential elections more equal. We’ll keep you updated on our progress.



Help build this team—tell friends you know are frustrated by the way we elect our president to join you in the fight to challenge the Electoral College.


Just like every vote, every donation counts in a grassroots movement like this.
Our success depends on Americans who believe in this work chipping in.


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