EqualVotes.US: Where we are, where we’re going

Lawrence Lessig @ Medium Oct 21, 2017 

Almost a year ago, a bunch of us began talking about how to fix an increasingly dangerous flaw in the mechanics of our Republic — the Electoral College. We had just witnessed the second in the last three Presidents get elected without winning the popular vote. It was quickly becoming apparent that this was not a once-in-a-century problem, but an increasingly likely part of our democratic future.

Anyone who knows my work knows that I’ve been waging the fight for a better Republic for a long time now. Throughout that fight, I’ve looked for the root. For most of that time, I thought the root was the corrupting influence of money in politics. But in the last two years, I’ve become convinced that money is just one example of a more fundamental flaw — a Republic in which citizens are not equal.

We can see that inequality in many places—in the way campaigns raise money, in the way gerrymandering renders irrelevant Republicans in safe Democratic seats, or Democrats in safe Republican seats, and in the way votes get suppressed. But until the election in 2016, I had missed perhaps the most obvious example — the way the electoral college makes our votes unequal.


Jason Harrow @ Medium: The Road To The Supreme Court

The Road To The Supreme Court Jason Harrow @ Medium Oct 5, 2017 The ultimate goal of the Equal Votes project is to have the U.S. Supreme Court find that the winner-take-all method of allocating electoral college votes violates the core “one person, one vote” principle...

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Lawrence Lessig @ Medium: “Selective constitutionalism”

"Selective Constitutionalism" Lawrence Lessig @ Medium Sep 16, 2017 Last week, we launched a campaign to raise the funds we need to bring an Equal Protection challenge to the winner-take-all system for allocating electoral college votes. Tons were really excited about...

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Tell your grandkids you helped save American democracy—join the grassroots effort to make our presidential elections more equal. We’ll keep you updated on our progress.



Help build this team—tell friends you know are frustrated by the way we elect our president to join you in the fight to challenge the Electoral College.


Just like every vote, every donation counts in a grassroots movement like this.
Our success depends on Americans who believe in this work chipping in.


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